all postcodes in CO2 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO2 7AA 5 3 51.887581 0.896652
CO2 7AD 23 12 51.887741 0.897913
CO2 7AH 7 4 51.887713 0.898957
CO2 7AL 4 4 51.887395 0.898356
CO2 7AN 8 5 51.887475 0.897634
CO2 7AS 5 1 51.887812 0.899298
CO2 7AT 10 2 51.887171 0.897222
CO2 7AU 6 0 51.886318 0.897153
CO2 7AX 9 1 51.885941 0.897114
CO2 7AZ 1 1 51.885928 0.896575
CO2 7BA 6 4 51.887132 0.894778
CO2 7BE 9 0 51.880065 0.880402
CO2 7BG 31 0 51.885857 0.895437
CO2 7BH 11 0 51.886131 0.895978
CO2 7BJ 47 0 51.885416 0.896164
CO2 7BL 39 0 51.885767 0.897626
CO2 7BN 6 2 51.885611 0.898837
CO2 7BP 6 0 51.886102 0.898258
CO2 7BS 29 0 51.886249 0.897773
CO2 7BY 10 0 51.879665 0.87949